1. Costa Rica: Costa Rica is considered a pioneer in sustainable tourism, with a strong commitment to environmental protection and conservation. The country has implemented programs and policies to promote sustainable practices in tourism, such as eco-lodges, wildlife conservation, and protected areas.

2. Norway: Norway is known for its eco-friendly initiatives in tourism, particularly in the areas of renewable energy and transportation. The country encourages sustainable activities like hiking, cycling, and low-impact wildlife tourism.

3. New Zealand: New Zealand prioritizes sustainable tourism practices and has a strong focus on conservation. The country promotes eco-friendly activities like nature conservation, wildlife protection, and sustainable farm stays.

4. Bhutan: Bhutan adopted a unique approach to sustainable tourism by focusing on “high-value, low-impact” tourism. The country imposes strict tourist regulations, promoting a balanced approach to tourism to protect its natural and cultural heritage.

5. Sweden: Sweden is committed to sustainable tourism, emphasizing renewable energy, waste management, and eco-conscious practices. The country encourages sustainable activities like hiking, cycling, and wildlife-watching.

6. Austria: Austria is known for its sustainable tourism practices, particularly in the Alpine regions. The country promotes nature conservation, responsible skiing, and eco-friendly accommodations.

7. Iceland: Iceland is focused on eco-friendly travel and sustainable practices. The country promotes geothermal energy, responsible wildlife tourism, and eco-lodges.

8. Seychelles: Seychelles has made significant efforts towards sustainable tourism, with a strong focus on marine conservation, sustainable fishing practices, and environmentally friendly accommodations.

9. Palau: Palau has implemented strict measures to protect its marine environment and promote sustainable tourism practices. The country has established marine reserves, coral reef conservation programs, and sustainable diving practices.

10. Slovenia: Slovenia is known for its commitment to sustainable tourism, particularly in its national parks and outdoor activities. The country promotes responsible hiking, cycling, and eco-friendly accommodations.

Please note that these are just a few examples, and many other countries and regions are implementing sustainable tourism practices and contributing to the eco-friendly travel industry.

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