1. Brazil: Brazil has made significant progress in sustainable agriculture, implementing practices such as zero-burning policies, precision farming, and agroforestry.

2. China: China has been investing heavily in sustainable agriculture, focusing on enhancing soil health, reducing water usage, and adopting practices like organic farming and integrated pest management.

3. India: India has been promoting sustainable agriculture through the adoption of techniques like organic farming, crop diversification, and the use of biopesticides. It also has one of the largest organic farming areas globally.

4. Mexico: Mexico has been prioritizing sustainable agriculture through practices like agroecology, permaculture, and the revival of traditional farming methods. It is also a major producer of organic food.

5. Kenya: Kenya has made significant strides in sustainable agriculture, particularly in small-scale farming. It has embraced practices like agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and organic farming, improving food security and promoting environmental sustainability.

6. Colombia: Colombia has been investing in sustainable agriculture by promoting practices like agroforestry, organic farming, and reforestation. It has also shown commitment to addressing deforestation and promoting sustainable livestock production.

7. Vietnam: Vietnam has been focusing on sustainable agriculture to address climate change challenges. It has implemented practices like rice intensification, organic farming, and sustainable fisheries management.

8. Ethiopia: Ethiopia has been working towards sustainable agriculture by adopting practices like conservation agriculture, agroforestry, and sustainable livestock farming. It aims to improve productivity while maintaining environmental sustainability.

9. Thailand: Thailand has been promoting sustainable agriculture through initiatives like organic farming, agroecology, and sustainable water management. It has also been investing in research and development to drive sustainable food production.

10. South Africa: South Africa has been at the forefront of sustainable agriculture in Africa, implementing practices like conservation agriculture, precision farming, and agroecology. It aims to enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact.

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